"如果你在的時候 會不會伸手 擁抱我?"




五月天 - 星空


作詞: 阿信
作曲: 石頭
編曲: 五月天


摸不到的顏色 是否叫彩虹?
If we call the rainbow, the color that can't be touched.

看不到的擁抱 是否叫做微風
If we call the breeze, the hug that can't be reached.

一個人 想著一個人 是否就叫寂寞?
I can't help but think of you, is that loneliness?


命運偷走如果 只留下結果
Destiny took away all the probabilities, left nothing but the consequences.

時間偷走初衷 只留下了苦衷
Time washed away all my faith, left nothing but the pain.

你來過 然後你走後 只留下星空
You quietly appeared then gone away, left nothing but an empty space.


While we watched the starry sky.

有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
So many dreams were shined so bright, at that time.

Naive to believe that the happiness would never fade.

像不變星空 陪著我
Forever be my backing, just like the wide sky.



獵戶 天狼 織女 光年外沉默
Orion, Sirius, Vega silent guarded light years away.

回憶 青春 夢想 何時偷偷隕落?
Memories, youth, dream, falling without a trace.

我愛過 然後我沈默 人海裡漂流
Once there were "we", now it's only me, floating along the crowded street.


While we watched the starry sky.

未來的未來 從沒想過
Never thought of the upcoming future, at that time.

When the cracks appeared in our story.

美夢失去線索 而我們失去聯絡
Flaws came to the surface, reality torn us apart.

The mute wordless starry sky.

為什麼靜靜 看我淚流
Wiped my endless teardrops away.

What if you by my side.

如果你在的時候 會不會伸手 擁抱我?
Would you still holding me this tight?



細數繁星閃爍 細數此生奔波
Counting the shining stars, can't calculate this life.

原來 所有 所得 所獲 不如一夜的星空
Finally realized all the highs and lows were only lies.

空氣中的溫柔 回憶你的笑容
The tenderness you remained, the lovely smile in my mind.

彷彿只要伸手 就能觸摸
One touch all come alive.


摸不到的顏色 是否叫彩虹?
If we call the rainbow, the color that can't be touched.

看不到的擁抱 是否叫做微風
If we call the breeze, the hug that can't be reached.

一個人 習慣一個人
All alone, all by myself.


All alone watching the starry sky.

從前的從前 從沒變過
The former past never changed, at this time.

寂寞可以是忍受 也可以是享受 享受僅有的擁有
The loneliness once controlled me can't get to me at all.

While we watch the starry sky.

有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
So many dreams were shined so bright, at that time.

At least the memories would last till the end.

像不變星空 陪著我
Just like the everlasting starry sky.


Now only the starry sky.

像不變回憶 陪著我
Long last friend of mine, always by my side.



——2021.02.27 Translated by Alvis




歌詞翻譯 ‖ MAYDAY五月天 [ 如果我們不曾相遇 What If We Had Never Met ] ‖ 英文版歌詞

歌詞翻譯 ‖ MAYDAY五月天 [ 如煙 ] ‖ 英文版歌詞

歌詞翻譯 ‖ MAYDAY五月天 [ 轉眼 Final Chapter ] ‖ 英文版歌詞

歌詞翻譯 ‖ MAYDAY五月天 [ 候鳥 Migratory Bird ] ‖ 英文版歌詞



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